How to use Quora and Reddit Forums for Keyword Research

Quora and Reddit can be extremely valuable for keyword research due to their vast repositories of user-generated content and discussions. Here is how these platforms can aid in keyword research.

How to use Quora and Reddit Forums for Keyword Research
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Quora and Reddit can be extremely valuable for keyword research due to their vast repositories of user-generated content and discussions. Here is how these platforms can aid in keyword research -

  • Active Discussions: By exploring popular threads and questions, you can identify trending topics and frequently asked questions within your niche.
  • Upvotes and Comments: High upvotes and numerous comments on certain questions indicate high user interest, making these topics prime candidates for keyword targeting.

2. Uncover Long-Tail Keywords

  • Specific Questions: Users often ask very specific questions that naturally include long-tail keywords. These are less competitive and can be easier to rank for.
  • Natural Language: The way users phrase their questions provides insights into the natural language and specific terms they use, which can inform your keyword strategy.

Having clear objectives will guide your keyword research and ensure it aligns with your overall SEO strategy.

3. Understand User Intent

  • Diverse Perspectives: Analyzing answers and discussions helps you understand the different angles from which users approach a topic, revealing various aspects of user intent.
  • Pain Points: Discussions often highlight common problems or pain points that users face, which you can address in your content to better match their search intent.
Keywordly solves the challenges associated with Keyword Research and Content Strategy, allowing Content creators, Business Owners and SEO Agencies to focus on their SEO strategies.

4. Generate Content Ideas

  • Common Questions: Recurrent questions can inspire new content ideas, ensuring your content addresses real user concerns.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: By identifying multiple related questions, you can create in-depth content that covers a topic comprehensively, improving your chances of ranking.
  • Synonyms and Variations: Users might use different terms or phrases to describe the same concept. These synonyms and variations can help diversify your keyword list.
  • Associated Topics: Related questions and discussions often reveal associated topics and subtopics that you might not have considered.

6. Gauge Keyword Difficulty and Opportunity

  • Competitive Analysis: By looking at the popularity and engagement of certain topics, you can gauge the level of interest and competition for those keywords.
  • Content Gaps: Identify gaps in the information provided in answers. If you can offer more comprehensive or detailed content, you have an opportunity to outrank existing content.

Practical Steps for Using Quora and Reddit for Keyword Research:

1. Search and Monitor Relevant Topics

  • Use the search function on both platforms to find discussions related to your industry or niche.
  • Monitor specific subreddits or Quora spaces related to your field.

2. Analyze Questions and Discussions

  • Identify questions with high engagement (upvotes, comments) to determine what topics are popular.
  • Note the exact phrasing of questions to uncover long-tail keywords and natural language usage.

3. Compile a List of Keywords and Phrases

  • Create a spreadsheet to compile keywords, phrases, and topics identified from Quora and Reddit.
  • Include synonyms, related terms, and variations.

4. Assess User Intent

  • Categorize keywords based on the intent (informational, navigational, transactional, commercial investigation).
  • Develop content that directly addresses these intents, providing clear and valuable answers.

5. Use Tools to Validate Keywords

  • Input your compiled keywords into keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to validate their search volume and competition.
  • Identify additional related keywords and refine your list based on this data.

6. Incorporate Findings into Content Strategy

  • Use the insights gained to create content that addresses the most common and relevant questions and topics.
  • Optimize your content with the identified keywords, ensuring it aligns with user intent and provides value.

Example Process:

1. Quora

  • Search for a broad topic related to your niche (e.g., digital marketing).
  • Note questions with high upvotes like What are the best digital marketing strategies for small businesses?.
  • Extract keywords such as best digital marketing strategies, small businesses etc.

2. Reddit

  • Browse relevant subreddits (e.g., r/digitalmarketing).
  • Identify popular threads and comments, such as discussions on effective SEO techniques for beginners.
  • Note keywords like effective SEO techniques, SEO for beginners etc.


By systematically leveraging Quora and Reddit, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and language, enriching your keyword research and content strategy.